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Words of God

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All WIPs and apps that are to be reviewed will be posted here. This board is set up so that only staff and the original thread poster can view what has been posted here. Because of this please make sure you post in the update thread to inform staff that your app is ready to be reviewed. Failure to do so does not mean your app won't be reviewed, but it may take us longer to notice that your application is ready.
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While technology in Hyrule hasn't reached the point for messages to be delivered instantaneously that doesn't mean that people can't communicate over long distances. The ever-faithful Postman will deliver notes and letters and even items to individuals, regardless of where they are. Just set up a thread for your character so the letters can come pouring in.
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Monsters and the like still roam the plains of Hyrule and, quite frankly, they've just gotten meaner with time. Plenty of people need help dealing with them.
Information on earning and spending rupees will be found here.


The largest province in Hyrule proper. Lanayru covers the entire center and eastern portion of Hyrule and contains the remains of Lake Hylia along with Castle City.
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Directly north of Castle City lies the path to Snowpeak. Long ago the path had been guarded by a faction of the Gerudo Royal Guards but it has been years - centuries, truly - since anyone has manned their post. Snowpeak is a frozen tundra that is inhospitable to nearly any life.
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INSIDE: Snowpeak Ruins
A large province that covers the entire western section of Hyrule. Unlike Lanayru Eldin has only suffered mildly from the effects of the pollution; because of this, wildlife can actually be found roaming the plains.
The southern-most province of Hyrule. Over the course of time the province known as Ordon has become part of Faron. Even with the extra land Faron is still the smallest of the Provinces and is the province most untouched by the pollution; the forests remain lush and fertile and have recovered from the burnings so many centuries ago.
A large open expanse of desert located to the east of Hyrule. Though still technically part of Hyrule the desert does not actually connect with the rest of the country; centuries ago any connection was removed to prevent the prisoners held at the Arbiter's Ground from returning to Hyrule. With the Gerudo's rise in power they have created a man-made bridge that extends from Lanayru to the Desert, though passage and use of the bridge is still monitored by a faction of the Royal Guards.


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Columbia Above [JCINK] Pre-Bioshock Infinite Community
by pinupcasino777
Jan 21, 2022 22:36:22 GMT
Newest Member
Welcome Anselmo Hanson!
Currently Online
0 Staff, 0 Members, 3 Guests.
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0 Staff, 0 Members, 63 Guests.


For the time being LOZ:A is stuck with a simple chatbox. While we do have noise set on it does not autorefresh after a certain period of time. Because of this please be aware that while staff might be around, we may not be aware you said something.
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Jan 3, 2014 13:29:55 GMT
*pokes about the forums, reading and learning*
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Jan 3, 2014 14:56:42 GMT
Are sages similar to restricted races, as in you have to show your not just going to show up every once in a while and be a good Role Player and active member???
Ganondorf Avatar
Jan 5, 2014 10:21:02 GMT
Unfortunately I do not think this site is active anymore. Well, not going to be. The admins, Midna and Fi, haven't been on in awhile and I haven't seen either of them since before the thanksgiving holidays. So, you can keep checking back if you wish.
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Jan 5, 2014 14:44:35 GMT
Oh, well, thats unfortunate. Thank you for getting back to me, all the same, and I'll check in every so often. Thank you for the update though, its greatly appreciated =)
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Jan 8, 2014 17:07:52 GMT
*bums around a bit, humming*
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Jan 10, 2014 14:34:33 GMT
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Jan 12, 2014 14:55:38 GMT
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Jan 15, 2014 23:54:51 GMT
Do dee do~
Sibela Calatia Avatar
Sibela Calatia:
Jan 25, 2014 23:28:54 GMT
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Jan 29, 2014 1:14:22 GMT
Still no one here? Will check back later ish~
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Feb 7, 2014 21:14:59 GMT
.... *wanders around, looking for artifacts of old world glory*
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Feb 11, 2014 15:19:41 GMT
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Feb 13, 2014 16:48:11 GMT
No one around yet?
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Feb 15, 2014 15:06:30 GMT
Guess not yet. *wanders off to wait*
Sibela Calatia Avatar
Sibela Calatia:
Apr 9, 2014 17:38:11 GMT
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Sept 14, 2014 17:32:37 GMT
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Jul 18, 2016 18:34:12 GMT
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